Side Impact/T-Bone Car Accidents in Richmond Hill

Side impact or T-bone car accidents in Richmond Hill may result in serious injury depending on speed, impact location, and the type of vehicle. The higher the speed, the greater the potential for severe harm.

Speaking with a dedicated car crash attorney could prove vital when you or your loved one has been in this type of wreck. Our highly skilled legal team at Chattahoochee Injury Law can review your case, begin collecting evidence to prove fault and pursue fair compensation. Call today to learn more.

What to Do in a Side Impact or T-Bone Car Accident

Because injuries are likely in side-impact collisions, the first action should be to contact emergency services for medical care. Depending on your location, you may need to contact the police separately. Any automobile accident that results in injuries, death, or at least $500 in damages must be reported to the Georgia police immediately.

Police will investigate the wreck, collect pertinent information, and issue citations if necessary. They will also file a report which can be used in a personal injury lawsuit. Anyone involved in a car accident should request a copy of the police report and collect the following evidence:

Witness Statements

In addition to collecting contact information from those involved in a crash, drivers or passengers should ask for contact information from anyone who witnessed the car accident.

Photographs and Videos

Bystanders may have caught all or part of an accident on their smartphones. Request their contact information and see if the evidence can be forwarded. Because more cars today have dash cameras, you can ask other drivers if they have footage of the side-impact collision.

Medical Expenses

After the wreck, injured parties should record all medical expenses, including out-of-pocket items such as transportation or in-home care. Although medical records will be used to document injuries, expenses are not included in a patient’s electronic health record (EHR).

Consult an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer

Collecting contact information and tracking medical treatments can be overwhelming after a side-impact car accident. Contacting an experienced Chattahoochee Injury Law attorney as soon as possible after an accident can ease the stress of recovery and help negotiate a reasonable settlement.

Call a Richmond Hill lawyer for more information on the types of evidence you should obtain after a side-impact car collision.

Recovering Damages After a Wreck

An injured party has up to two years after the accident date to file a lawsuit. If the date is missed, damages cannot be recovered. Waiting to pursue legal action can complicate a claim because witnesses may have relocated, or video evidence could have been removed. Because Georgia is an at-fault state, injured parties must prove the driver’s negligence to receive economic and noneconomic compensation.

Economic Compensation

Recovery of economic damages includes compensation for medical expenses such as doctor visits, emergency services, and hospital stays. If a T-bone car accident in Richmond Hill prevents injured persons from returning to work, they can recover those lost wages. If injuries result in permanent impairment, future earnings can be part of the recovered damages.

Noneconomic Compensation

T-bone crashes not only cause physical injuries, but they usually also lead to emotional and psychological harm. Injured parties can receive compensation for that pain and suffering. They can also be compensated for changes in quality of life or social relationships resulting from the incident.

Call a Richmond Hill Lawyer After a Side Impact/T-Bone Car Accident

Side impact and T-bone car accidents in Richmond Hill can be some of the most life-altering types of collisions. You or your loved one could be left with serious injuries and property damage.

Contact a seasoned personal injury attorney with experience in car accident cases to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Chattahoochee Injury Law is here to help with your case.